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Masked and armed bandits enter a school in the Kazakh village of Karatas, taking the numerous students hostage. The aggressors make no demands, their motivations are unknown, and it’s not clear what will happen to their young hostages. There’s no point in alerting the police, as the school is completely cut off from the outside world due to a violent snowstorm. Organized help can only arrive in two days' time, and in a situation where the students' lives are at stake, every hour counts. This is perfectly clear to math teacher Tazshi, who’s determined to rescue the hostages on his own. He assembles an unusual team, including his ex-partner, the cowardly headmaster and the alcoholic janitor. But before they can swing into action, each of them will have to face their own worst demons. Assault, by acclaimed Kazakh director Adilkhan Yerzhanov, is a precisely constructed, gripping thriller, but also a story about the tricks that human nature can play on us. The best way to get to know it is in extreme situations, in places where you can only count on yourself – a concept emphasized by Aidar Sharipov's superb cinematography.

Director: Adilkhan Yerzhanov